You are here: Alt Configuration > Alt Control Center Help > Payroll > Investment Admin

Investment Admin

Investment Admin page displays section lists with section names. You can filter the lists on the basis of Section Label. You can change the sequence, allow attachment and add tool tips for various section names.

How to add tool tip?

1. Click + icon. Following pop up will open.

Investment Section Name list of investment section names. You can choose one.
Section Label

name of section label.

Sequence sequence of section name.
Active can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the section name is visible or not in Alt Worklife.
Editable can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether the section name is editable or not.
Attachment can be either checked or unchecked. Indicates whether attachment is allowed or not.
ValidFrom date from which section name will become valid.
ValidTo date till which section name will remain valid.
Help Info information displayed in the pop up when hovered over help (i) icon.
Help Document path on which help document is kept.
Declared Amount Tool Tip EN tool tip for declared amount in English.
Declared Amount Tool Tip HI tool tip for declared amount in Hindi.
Actual Amount Tool Tip EN tool tip for actual amount in English.
Actual Amount Tool Tip HI tool tip for actual amount in Hindi.
Approved Amount Tool Tip EN tool tip for approved amount in English.
Approved Amount Tool Tip HI tool tip for approved amount in Hindi.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Under Payroll > Tax Declaration/Investment Declaration section, hover over any of the help icons or amount fields, tool tip will be displayed.